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High Demand in the Trucking Industry Due to Coronavirus

The Coronavirus pandemic has shifted commerce in the last several weeks. From businesses closing, to reduced hours, and store shelves going completely empty of toilet tissue and hand sanitizer, countries are now understanding the value of always being prepared for crises. One industry that is not sleeping and ensuring store shelves are continuously stocked is…

man in front of truck transportation academy

Trucking Franchise Opportunities And Other Lucrative Investments Worth Looking Into

If you drive for five minutes on the interstate, you’ll pass by semi trucks in the dozens. Freight transportation is something that doesn’t just occur on a daily basis; it’s always happening at any point throughout the day. Goods must be transported from a factory or warehouse and shipped to their designated location whether it’s…

Freight Broker Training And Impressive Facts About The Trucking Industry

Freight Broker Training And Impressive Facts About The Trucking Industry

If you’ve spent any amount of time driving on America’s network of interstate highways, then you’ve certainly seen the trucking industry in action. Even if you don’t drive very often, you still purchase goods at the store — how do you think these products got there in the first place? That’s right, it’s the trucking…

MC Authority transportation academy

Why MC Authority Is Essential For Your Freight Brokerage Operation

To get your trucking business off of the ground (or rather, get it moving on the ground), you’re going to want to do things by the books. There are many great reasons to start a trucking company, and if you’re here on our blog looking to absorb information and practice your due diligence before becoming…

truck safety

Essential Tips To Keep Your Freight Trucking Team Safe On The Road

Hauling freight across the United States is, as we’ve mentioned in a previous blog post, absolutely essential. Without semi trucks on the road, goods simply wouldn’t get where they need to be, and the American economy would pretty much collapse as a result. Just think about how many freight trucks you drive past on the…

truck in mountains transportation academy

The Value Of Freight Transportation — And Why Freight Brokerage Matters

If there weren’t millions of semi-trucks on the road delivering various products and goods, the United States economy simply couldn’t function like it does today. When we say millions of semi-trucks, we really do mean millions — according to U.S. Special Delivery, there are over half a million trucking companies in the United States (!)…

truck in desert

Why Own A Freight Brokerage Company?

In the United States’ free market, capitalist economy, Americans have the freedom to choose what they’d like to do for work. Now, while your experience, passions, skills, education, and accreditation certainly play integral roles in finding a job (after all, not everyone can be a rocket scientist), there are many lucrative career opportunities out there…

stepping on truck

Welcome To Our Blog At Transportation Academy!

Every day of the year, every minute of every hour, goods are constantly being shipped around the world. The world of commerce is a well-oiled, nonstop machine that doesn’t sleep at nights and doesn’t take holidays off. No matter how you look at it — domestically, internationally or otherwise — items simply need to get…