About The Owner

Kimberly Carver, Owner and Founder of Transportation Academy.

Learn from someone just like you!

Kimberly Carver started Transportation Academy to help those in the transportation business avoid the same mistakes she made when she first got started 18+ years ago. 

When Kim first pursued owning her own transportation company, she didn’t have a business like Transportation Academy to help her so she failed big time. She wasn’t able to succeed until she started over with a mentor to guide her through the process.


Today, Kim has advanced to having multiple different businesses in transportation, including ownerships in freight brokerages, freight dispatch services, and trucking.

Because Kim failed in the industry before coming to the success she has today, she has a passion for helping others who are trying to find their way. She wants to help others avoid the failures she experienced. 

Kim’s goal with Transportation Academy is to help new and existing owners start and become successful in transportation. And, unlike her competitors, Kim has the compassion and empathy for others starting or needing assistance in the transportation industry because she’s been through the struggles herself, and was able to come out on top. 

She wants you to come out on top, too! 

That’s why she founded Transportation Academy- a transportation consulting agency that offers individualized help in transportation management, ownership, transformation, and reconstruction. 

The obstacles Kim had to overcome in her own transportation journey brought her to a place of knowing the “When, What, Why, and How” of the industry, and she’s here to teach them to you!

Kim learned that the fastest way to succeed is to learn from someone who has already succeeded in the area you are trying to succeed. 

She also believes “You can’t do it alone.” 

So, don’t do it alone. And, learn from the best! Get started with transportation expert, Kimberly Carver today!